Exploring the identity of my voice.

I don’t know if my voice holds any value or bears any weight. Does it have any superior motive than imposing my ideas on this world? Is it unique; never heard before? Does it instigate any thought or charge a conversation? Do I have something to say? Or am I just blabbering in an abyss…

Flickering faith…

Since the past few days, my faith has been wavering more vigorously than before. It seems like all the force and momentum has been sucked out of my life and I am dangling in mid-air, having no grasp of space and time, day and night, past and present. I neglect the parts of me that…

A perpetual state…

Whenever I write after long gaps, I find the bridge between my thoughts and words to be nothing more than an illusion. The bridge, once pillared on my consistency and discipline, seem to disappear into nothingness, leaving me behind feeling pale and crumpled. I marvel over the concept if it ever really existed or was…

Toxic Analogies: My most reliable self-sabotaging act.

In school, I never desired to be the 1st rank holder of my class. At any point of time. Even when there were a few students who were consistently the highest rank holders, with whom my parents never failed to compare me with, it never spurred the urge in me to beat them and it…

Blurred, but for a while…

As I sit on the sofa in the living hall of my house, legs supported by a stool, light coming in from outside, I am finding it hard to manoeuvre the sudden but apparent, gradual but abrupt shift our lives have taken.  Amidst deadly second wave of the virus, the fact that after 1 year,…

Project: Being in 20s in 2020.

While spilling his wisdom onto my siblings and me profusely, our father never failed to remind us that putting yourself through a grinder of hard work, consistency, and dedication in your 20s will determine and set the tone of your entire life. Lately, I have been pondering over what is this hype about being in your…

How I found my way and hope!

I have never lived alone the way I have been living alone for the past few months.Alone, physically and emotionally. Empty, deep, and from within. Stuck, hopelessly.Angry, devastatingly. Confused, miserably. As celebrated and embracing living alone might seem and look and is definitely is; to be in full control of your space and privacy, it…

You are (not) beautiful.

During my adolescence, I never felt, or rather, I was never made to feel beautiful. I had never been complimented on or appreciated for my looks. I never knew that a girl of average height with wheatish skin, boyish haircut, and a peculiar duck-like way of walking could fit in the category called ‘beautiful‘, as…

Listen to yourself.

My father is an unbiased and harsh disciplinarian. He believes the one who wakes up early and runs the day motivated by a definite purpose is the one who has it all together. During our school days, he would ensure that I and my siblings commit a few hours every day to our studies, before…


I was 8 years old, studying in 2nd grade when one of my father’s close friends, on one of his visits to our place saw me going through the entertainment section of a weekly newspaper ‘Rangayan’ attentively. He was quite appalled to see that and requested my father to push me and my siblings to…